Archive for February, 2009

Jaguar tagged in AZ

February 25, 2009


Captured and radio collared just recently, he’s an older but healthy male (known as Macho B) who has been for years studied by remote trail cameras. Tracking him by satellite every few hours, researchers under the Arizona Game and Fish Department will learn more about this travels and preferred habitat areas.  It is, however, disingenuous for the agency to capture (there is always a risk of injury or death) and study jaguars, while ignoring the need to develop a recovery plan and protect habitat for them.

What Macho B will ultimately confirm for us is that he needs safe and secure habitats, and a mate. So why are the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the US Fish and Wildlife Service dragging their heels despite all the urging from us and others to get on with a genuine jaguar recovery program?  It’s about time for new attitudes and leadership from these agencies!